At, we offer a selection of free digital items, including WordPress themes, plugins, PHP scripts, and graphic assets. By downloading any free item from our platform, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before proceeding with your download.
Free items are provided for personal and commercial use, subject to the following conditions:
Please note that usage rights may vary for each free item, so refer to the specific license provided with each download.
Free items downloaded from are for your use only. Redistribution, reselling, or sharing of these items in any form, either for free or commercially, is strictly prohibited unless explicitly allowed by the item’s license.
You are free to modify the free items to fit your project needs. However, any modified versions cannot be redistributed, sold, or offered as your own, unless specifically permitted by the license.
Unlike premium items, free items do not come with customer support or guaranteed updates. While we strive to ensure our free items are functional and compatible, they may not be regularly updated for new software versions or technical changes.
All free items are provided “as is” without any warranties. is not responsible for any issues, errors, or damages that may occur as a result of using these items. Please ensure you test the items thoroughly before using them in production.
Some free items may require attribution to the creator. Please review the specific item’s license for any attribution requirements, and ensure you follow these guidelines when using the item. reserves the right to terminate or revoke your access to free items if you are found in violation of these terms. Misuse or redistribution of free items may also result in account suspension.